This page is updated frequently, but keep scrolling down for now.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224 for TYY
If you live in Medina or Summit County, click the picture above to go to the home page of the Battered Women's Shelter of Medina and Summit Counties to contact the shelter, or to find out lots of information on local resources.
For lots of general information, follow some of these links:
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Domestic Violence Help from Injury Claim Coach
In addition to the general advice provided on the page, they also have a free Q&A feature which provides direct access to a retired judge who can provide specific guidance on issues. If you scroll to the end of the page there is the option to add a question and review other previous questions. |
A Terrific Piece From Lutheran Hour Ministries
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