Your financial gift to the ministry of Christ the King Lutheran Church has the potential to be life-changing here, or anywhere in the world, in a variety of ways. A significant portion of our budget supports local social service ministries like the Matthew 25 Coalition, and the national and international ministries of our denomination, The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
You can donate to Christ the King by clicking or scanning this QR code. You can choose whether to donate with a credit card, or by direct withdrawal from a bank account you own. Either way, please follow the following steps:
- When the link opens, click the blue box marked Make a Personal Donation
- On the next screen, click the blue box marked Continue
- Several screens will pop up, one at a time. Please fill out the information they ask for, and click NEXT each time
- You can choose whether to donate with a credit card, or by direct withdrawal from a bank account you own
- When all is said and done, you should see a "Thank You" screen pop up. Thank you!