You may have noticed a number of pictures and other decorations at Christ the King. Some of them are obvious. Some of them require a little explanation, like those on this page.
Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar
The initials of the three Wise Men are posted over the archway between the Parish Hall and the Narthex.
Christus Mansem Benedicat
The tradition of posting their initials is also a blessing for the house (in Latin, "Christ bless this dwelling."
Jesus comforts a child.
Perhaps you may see Jesus holding you close to Himself like this.
By artist Louise Weller.
Jesus and the scribble.
There may be times when your life seems to make no sense - it's like a bunch of scribbles. Yet Jesus stands in the middle of the mess and brings beauty from the chaos.
By artist Louise Weller.
The figure of Jesus on the cross, over the doorway from the Sanctuary into the Narthex.
One in the Spirit
We are all members of ONE faith, one Lord, one baptism, under one God and Father of us All.
Made and signed by members of Christ the King.
Christ the King chancel
For the Epiphany season
Jesus comforts a young person.
It is not only children who need to know that Jesus is available to comfort them, but people of all ages need His love, too.
By artist Louise Weller.
The hands of love.
The mighty hands of God that created the entire universe also tenderly hold the tiniest infant in the womb in their great love.